The Death Traps of FX-31 Sewell Peasley Wright
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Book Summary: a battle with giant intelligent trapdoor spiders.
Sci Fi Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Space Adventure, Hard Sci Fi
Book Description: Get your ray guns ready - we're heading into the spider holes. A scientific crew gets captured by space spiders and is rescued by their armed crew. If you like a story killing spiders, this is it.
Authors Bio: Sewell Peaslee Wright (1897 – 1970) was a science fiction pulp author, especially productive in the 1920's and 1930's. A regular contributor to Astounding Stories and Weird Tales, Wright is probably best remembered for his Vampires of Space, although it was not his best work. He was also a contributor to other magazines such as Munsey's Magazine and Collier's Weekly. His many works include The House in the Willows (1926), The Wolf (1927), The Forgotten Planet (1930), The God in the Box (1931), The Priestess of the Flame (1932) and The Death Traps of FX-31 (1933).
Narrators Rating (8 out of 10): ★★★★★★★★☆☆
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