The Man who Saved the Earth Austin Hall
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Book Summary: a gripping tale of a narrowly avoided Armageddon.
Sci Fi Categories: Apocalyptic Dystopian Earth
Book Description: The story opens on an oppressively hot day with a poor little newspaper boy, Charley, playing with a "burning glass" (a magnifying glass) which he uses to concentrate sunlight onto a small focal spot, thus intensifying the heat on some paper until it burns a hole, perhaps a portent of things to come. He is noticed by a recluse scientist, Dr. Robold, who takes interest in Charley's scientific curiosity and calls him a young Archimedes, referring to the ancient Greek who, as legend tells, used a "burning glass" from shore to set enemy ships ablaze as they were approaching. Years later, bizarre, terrifying events begin to occur. At a street intersection in Oakland, California, everything within a large circular area--streetcars, autos, people, pavement--suddenly vanishes without a sound, during a flash of bright, multi-colored light, leaving a vastly deep hole with perfectly smooth sides as though cut with a knife. Only one person is the key to saving the world from destruction: Charley discovers the source of this devastating assault on the Earth and pursues a fast-paced struggle to stop the attack before the Earth is completely plundered.
Authors Bio: Austin Hall was an American short story writer and novelist. He began writing when, while working as a cowboy, he was asked to write a story. He authored multiple science fiction westerns, and fantasy short stories for pulp magazines.
Narrators Rating (8 out of 10): ★★★★★★★★☆☆
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