Children of the Chronoton S.J. Byrne
Price: $10.99 (As Audible) Duration: 3.16hrs
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Book Summary: a time travel and teleporting extravaganza
Sci Fi Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Apocalyptic Dystopian Earth, Time Travel, Teleporting, Telepathy,
Book Description:"Children of the Chronotron" tells the gripping story of the reactions of a cross-section of humanity snatched from their familiar environment and hurled a million years into the future. The story was a huge hit with readers. Jonathon Gossage wrote that "the author got hold of a really good idea and did it justice." Don Wilson said the story "held me until the end, a rare thing." And the soon to be world famous agent, Henry Morrison, still a young fan, hailed it as "good adventure, science fiction, not space opera. It's tops."
Authors Bio: S J (Stuart James) Byrne (October 26, 1913 - September 23, 2011) was an American screenwriter and writer of science fiction and fantasy. He published under his own name and the pseudonyms Rothayne Amare, John Bloodstone, Howard Dare, and Marx Kaye (a house pseudonym).
Narrators Rating (10 out of 10): ★★★★★★★★★★
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