Price: $8.99 (As Audible)    Duration: 1.51hrs

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Book Summary: insurgent asteroid miners against a tyrannical Earth

Sci Fi Categories: Space Adventure, Violence

Book Description: Acclaimed sci-fi scribe Poul Anderson was the rare talent who combined a thorough grasp of technology with keen insight into psychological and political motivations. The novella "Industrial Revolution" is a seamless amalgamation of both of these, unfurling a thrilling tale about a group of insurgent asteroid miners who spark a resistance against their distant, arrogant overlords back on Earth.

Authors Bio: Poul William Anderson was an American science fiction author from the 1940s until the 21st century. Anderson wrote fantasy novels, historical novels, and short stories. His awards include seven Hugo Awards and three Nebula Awards

Narrators Rating (8 out of 10): ★★★★★★★★★☆

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Industrial Revolution

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