The Madman from Earth Keith Laumer
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Book Summary: a space cruiser missing under suspicious circumstances
Sci Fi Categories: Aliens, Space Adventure, Violence
Book Description: This story, "The Madman from Earth", is also known as "Policy", and is included in the first book of Retief stories, Envoy to New Worlds (1963). Baen Publishing's Retief! (2002) includes the first four Retief books, so this story is also there. Administrative Assistant Meuhl attempts to dominate Retief into being a normal diplomat. Retief does his own thing, seeking a terrestrial cruiser lost 10 years earlier, and of course, engineers a coup via strategy and muscle, as only Retief can.
Authors Bio: John Keith Laumer was an American science fiction author. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, he was an officer in the United States Air Force and a diplomat in the United States Foreign Service. His older brother March Laumer was also a writer, known for his adult reinterpretations of the Land of Oz
Narrators Rating (7 out of 10): ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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