The Cosmic Courtship Julian Hawthorne

Price: $18.99 (As Audible)    Duration: 6.59hrs

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Book Summary: a romantic and fantastic adventure in space

Sci Fi Categories: Aliens and Monsters, Fantasy, Time Travel, Teleporting, Telepathy, Romance

Book Description: "Love at first sight turns into a love that transcends the cosmos in Julian Hawthorne's lost pulp romance, The Cosmic Courtship. The prose is elevated and aspirational, ornate without being purple ... Hawthorne sets out to explore love, both romantic and compassionate, and places it in an otherworldly realm that cleaves closer to fairy tales than the unimaginative sciences of Hugo Gernsback. Hawthorne's tale of a love spanning worlds is among the brightest of the noblebright stories, highly aspirational and pure in motive and archetype, unmarred by baser desire or concern. Hawthorne's imagination also is unbound by the later conventions of fantasy. While the high prose and the aspirational heroes only add to the fairy tale nature, the strange creatures, clothes woven from actual fire, lost civilizations, and angels visiting unaware add to the palpable sense of wonder shining from the tale."

Authors Bio: Julian Hawthorne was an American writer and journalist, the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody. He wrote numerous poems, novels, short stories, mystery/detective fiction, essays, travel books, biographies, and histories.

Narrators Rating (10 out of 10): ★★★★★★★★★★

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